
Showing posts from March, 2014

i will be the gladdest thing under the sun

when spring comes, life explodes with poetry. it's funny, in march and april i love to read edna st.vincent millay, t.s. eliot, the romantics like coleridge and wordsworth and keats, whitman, and some contemporary poets too, like sharon doubiago. i think it harkens back to the year i was studying for my graduate exam , reading feverishly in the midst of a very busy social life. absorbing poetry and literature, then breathing it out through my skin. i've said it before , and it rings true every year : poetry fills the springtime. i wish i had a poetry reading group that met every vernal equinox. read poetry together to our hearts' content, if only for that one meticulously balanced day. we celebrated the beginning of spring with a little picnic in sutter creek.  Afternoon on a Hill I will be the gladdest thing Under the sun! I will touch a hundred flowers And not pick one. I will look at cliffs ...

remedy. an offering.

recently our community has seen some troubled times. a young local musician, broughty cole, diappeared on monday night, march 3. he was in sacramento and supposed to be driving to nevada city to play a gig with his band, but never arrived. he became the focus of an enormous search and rescue effort by friends and family and eventually his car was found by the marina in sacramento. yesterday a body was found in the river near there; last night everyone's worst fears were realized: it was confirmed to be Broughty. i know his mother and sister well and my heart breaks for them, for his brother, and for everyone involved. throughout the search and now, i have felt the pain of this deep in the tissues and marrows of my body. i think my sensitivity is heightened because i'm a mother myself now.the tragedies of life hit me harder and make me feel intensely protective. not only that but my imagination runs wild and the idea of that marina, the homeless camps along the river, th...

drink the wild air

now that a thunderstorm has brewed up tonight, and my baby fell asleep nursing, i am finally going to post about a little outdoor adventure we took a week and a half ago. (then we all got sick and we are finally crawling out of the muck of it. actually, both babies did fine... just little signs here and there that they might be fighting it off. but darin and i, well. we were in hell.)  i almost forget how to blog. i know that i want to write thoughts i've had or ideas or start discussions but at this point i'm just making memories and then recording them i for my own perusal down the line. right now it's all i can muster and i'm ok with that. i promise to offer readers something more substantial....someday.... you probably heard about the terrible drought in california. or you live here and aint no way you've missed it. anyway we finally got some lovely much-needed rain over the last few weeks and our landscape is refreshed and finally kind of turning gr...