i will be the gladdest thing under the sun
when spring comes, life explodes with poetry. it's funny, in march and april i love to read edna st.vincent millay, t.s. eliot, the romantics like coleridge and wordsworth and keats, whitman, and some contemporary poets too, like sharon doubiago. i think it harkens back to the year i was studying for my graduate exam , reading feverishly in the midst of a very busy social life. absorbing poetry and literature, then breathing it out through my skin. i've said it before , and it rings true every year : poetry fills the springtime. i wish i had a poetry reading group that met every vernal equinox. read poetry together to our hearts' content, if only for that one meticulously balanced day. we celebrated the beginning of spring with a little picnic in sutter creek. Afternoon on a Hill I will be the gladdest thing Under the sun! I will touch a hundred flowers And not pick one. I will look at cliffs ...